G-SIB assessment reporting instructions

The Basel Committee's assessment methodology for global systemically important banks requires a sample of banks to report a set of indicators to national supervisory authorities. These indicators are then aggregated and used to calculate the scores of banks in the sample. Banks above a cut-off score are identified as G-SIBs and are allocated to buckets that will be used to determine their higher loss absorbency requirement.

Set out below are the reporting instructions and reporting templates used to collect data from banks, as well as the year-end and average exchange rates to be used in the calculation of indicator amounts.

G-SIB assessment exercise Reporting instructions Reporting template Year-end and annual average
exchange rates*
End-2023 PDF (61 pages) XLSX XLSX
End-2022 PDF (65 pages) XLSX XLSX
End-2021 PDF (57 pages) XLSX XLSX
End-2020 PDF (58 pages) XLSX XLSX
End-2019 PDF (58 pages) XLSX XLSX
End-2018 PDF (56 pages) XLSX XLSX
End-2017 PDF (54 pages) XLSX XLSX
End-2016 PDF (58 pages) XLSX XLSX
End-2015 PDF (45 pages) XLSX XLSX
End-2014 PDF (38 pages) XLSX XLS
End-2013 PDF (33 pages) XLS XLS
End-2012 PDF (29 pages) XLS XLS

This table was last updated on 17 January 2024.

* These files should be used as a source of year-end or annual average exchange rates when rates are required to calculate an indicator.