Reporting guidelines and practices for BIS international banking statistics

The Guidelines for reporting the BIS international banking statistics provide definitions and requirements for reporting locational and consolidated banking statistics. The consistency of reporting practices with the Guidelines varies across reporting countries, and key discrepancies are highlighted in countries' summaries of their banks' reporting practices.

Current guidelines

The March 2013 version of the Guidelines incorporates the decisions of the Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS) to collect new data in two stages over the 2012-14 period. In 2014 the BIS proposed a number of corrections and revisions to the March 2013 Guidelines. In 2017 a study group completed a report that explores options for further enhancing the international banking statistics. Subject to review by the CGFS, the study group's recommendations will be incorporated in a revised version of the Guidelines in 2018.

Potential enhancements to the BIS international banking statistics: report submitted by a Study Group established by the BIS (PDF, 46 pp, 352 kb)
Proposed revisions to the March 2013 Guidelines (PDF, 25 pp, 225 kb)
March 2013 Guidelines: Table of contents
Introduction (PDF, 6 pp, 80 kb)
Reporting requirements for the locational banking statistics (PDF, 12 pp, 92 kb)
Reporting requirements for the consolidated banking statistics (PDF, 14 pp, 108 kb)
Reporting conventions that apply to both the locational and consolidated banking statistics (PDF, 3 pp, 59 kb)
Frequently asked questions and examples for reporting specific transactions (PDF, 15 pp, 88 kb)
Glossary of terms used in locational and consolidated banking statistics (PDF, 11 pp, 71 kb)
List of international organisations (Eurostat)
List of central banks (XLS, 69 kb)

Previous guidelines

The current Guidelines replace the previously separate guidelines for locational and consolidated banking statistics. Those guidelines, excluding Stage 1 and 2 enhancements, are available as follows:

Countries' reporting practices

Based on input from central banks, the BIS compiles information about the reporting practices in each reporting country on an annual basis.

Reporting practices By country By concept Data file
 Locational statistics PDF (258 pages, 1103 kb) PDF (159 pages, 485 kb) XLS (609 kb)
 Consolidated statistics PDF (88 pages, 390 kb) PDF (55 pages, 239 kb) XLS (243 kb)
Reporting institutions      
 Locational statistics     XLS (47 kb)