Asset prices and banking distress: a macroeconomic approach
BIS Working Papers
03 December 2004
This paper links banking with asset prices in a monetary macroeconomic model.
The main innovation is to consider how falling asset prices affect the banking
system through wide-spread borrower default, while deriving explicit solutions
and balance sheet effects even far from the steady state. We find that the
effect of falling asset prices is indirect, non-linear, and involves feedback
from the banking system in the form of a credit contraction. When borrowers
repay, the effect 'passes through' the bank balance sheet; once borrowers
default, asset prices drive bank capital, and constrained credit in turn drives
asset prices. This interaction can explain capital crunches, financial
instability, and banking crises, either as fundamental or as self-fulfilling
outcomes. This model, unlike others, distinguishes between financial and
macroeconomic stability, and makes precise the notion of balance sheet
vulnerability. It also carries regulatory implications and adds to the debate on
asset prices and monetary policy. The case studies apply the model to Japan's
Lost Decade, the Nordic Banking Crises, and the US Great Depression.
JEL Classification: E5, E31; G12, G21, G33
Keywords: Banking, Asset Prices, Inside Money, Default, Non-Performing Loans, Capital Requirements, Credit Crunch, Financial Instability, Banking Crisis, Vulnerability.