Annual Report 2012/13 - Statistics associated with the graphs

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Series description is to be found in the corresponding graph, that is linked in the right side column.

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Graphs Page
I.1 Global economic activity 6
I.2 Change in debt, 2007-12 7
I.3 Bond yields and interest rate risk 9
I.4 Policy rates and central bank total assets 11
II.1 Global economic activity 14
II.2 Business activity 16
II.3 Policy rates 17
II.4 Government bond yields and equity prices 18
II.5 Selected indicators of risk premia 19
II.6 Credit conditions 20
II.7 Global spillovers: transmission channels 21
II.8 Private non-financial sector debt 23
II.9 Private non-financial sector debt, GDP and property prices 24
II.10 Private non-financial sector debt service ratios 25
III.1 Economic growth 28
III.2 Productivity and employment 29
III.3 Average annual real GDP and labour productivity growth 30
III.4 GDP growth and sectoral imbalances 31
III.5 Structural rigidities, productivity and employment in advanced and major emerging market economies 32
III.6 Employment protection and the speed of recovery 34
III.7 Structural rigidities 36
III.8 Market pressure and reform intensity in OECD economies 37
IV.1 Projected changes in age-related spending, 2013-40 42
IV.2 General government debt projections under alternative scenarios 47
IV.3 Financial conditions in the euro area 49
V.1 Balance sheet repair 53
V.2 Risk-weighted assets 55
V.B Noise and sample size in estimating risk weights 60
V.3 Signals of banks' distress risk 63
VI.1 Policy rates 67
VI.2 Central bank total assets 68
VI.3 Central bank balance sheet size and composition 69
VI.4 Real GDP 70
VI.5 Forward curves 71
VI.6 The Taylor rule and policy rates 75

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