Perry Warjiyo: Synergy to strengthen stability and national economic transformation
Speech by Mr Perry Warjiyo, Governor of Bank Indonesia, at Bank Indonesia's Annual Meeting 2024, Jakarta, 29 November 2024.
The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,
Peace and prosperity be upon us all, Syalom,
Om Swastyastu, Namo Buddhaya,
Greetings of virtue,
First of all, let us express our gratitude for the presence of Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala (SWT), God Almighty, for His mercy and blessing that allow us to gather at the 2024 Bank Indonesia Annual Meeting this evening. With all humility, we would like to express our utmost gratitude to the President, for his presence, along with all distinguished guests, and for providing direction to strengthen policy synergy to enhance stability and national economic transformation moving forward.
We extend our congratulations to the banks, corporations, and individuals that received Bank Indonesia Awards 2024, totaling 51 (fifty-one) recipients in 5 (five) areas and 20 (twenty) categories in the fields of monetary stability management, macroprudential, payment system, MSMEs development and the sharia economy, as well as supporters of Bank Indonesia policy. The awards are presented annually in conjunction with the Bank Indonesia Annual Meeting as a form of appreciation and national recognition to our partners that have supported the implementation of Bank Indonesia's tasks.
On this auspicious occasion, allow me to present the evaluation of Indonesia's economic performance for 2024, the economic prospects and policy direction of Bank Indonesia in 2025, which summarized under the theme Synergy to Strengthen Stability and National Economic Transformation. We should be grateful that Indonesia's economy performed well in 2024. Economic growth was relatively high with maintained stability. This performance was achieved amidst highly dynamic global economic uncertainty. Strong synergy of national economic policy mix between Government and Bank Indonesia is the key aspect of achieving robust national economic performance. This policy mix synergy must be enhanced to strengthen stability and national economic transformation toward the 2045 Golden Indonesia (Indonesia Emas 2045) vision.
I will deliver my presentation in 5 (five) main parts. First, an evaluation of global economic performance and the outlook, which are full of dynamics, risks and uncertainties. Second, an evaluation of domestic economic performance and the outlook, which has demonstrated resilience and continued recovery. Third, a report and evaluation of the policy mix implemented by Bank Indonesia in 2024 to maintain stability and support sustainable economic growth. Fourth, synergy of national economic policy mix between the Government and Bank Indonesia to strengthen stability and national economic transformation moving forward. Fifth, Bank Indonesia's policy direction in 2025 to strengthen stability and foster sustainable economic growth. This explanation also serves as the fulfillment of Bank Indonesia accountability and transparency as mandated by Bank Indonesia Act.