Fehmi Mehmeti: Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo has invested in advancing financial education for many years

Speech by Mr Fehmi Mehmeti, Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, on the occasion of the distribution of books on financial education of students in grades 1-5, primary schools and the signing of a memorandum with the Ministry of Education and Science, Pristina, 29 September 2020.

The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.

Central bank speech  | 
05 October 2020

Dear Minister Likaj,

Dear Mrs. Hoxha,

Dear Media,

Distinguished guests,

The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo is committed to working to promote and maintain financial stability in the country. The financial sector is one of the main contributors to Kosovo's economy. The advancement of financial markets, globalization and technological progress, have influenced consumers to face a variety of complex financial instruments which are offered in the financial market today.

The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo through its Financial Education Program aims to increase financial knowledge to the public and contribute to the expansion and distribution of information on economic and financial issues, including cooperation with relevant institutions, in order to have a more widespread distribution of knowledge.

Financial Education is a field for which the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo works and is committed to advancing it for many years now.