Maxwell Opoku-Afari: Keynote address - Digital Banking Summit 2019

Keynote address by Dr Maxwell Opoku-Afari, First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana, at the Digital Banking Summit 2019, Accra, 19 August 2019.

The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.

Central bank speech  | 
20 August 2019

Captains of Banking Industry and Digital Technologies,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. Good morning and it is a great pleasure to be here today at this Digital Banking Summit. Before I continue, let me thank the International Centre for Strategic Alliances (ICSA) and KPMG for providing this unique platform to deliberate on pertinent issues on digitisation of banking services across the African continent. The choice of Accra for this important event, with Master Card as the lead sponsor, underscores the growing importance of Ghana as one of the emerging digital financial service hubs on the African Continent.

2. Ladies and gentlemen, digital innovation is creating unprecedented opportunities for Africa to grow its economy, create jobs, and transform people's lives.