Patrick Njoroge: Launch of the new generation banknotes

Remarks by Dr Patrick Njoroge, Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya, at the Narok Stadium, Narok County, 1 June 2019.

The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.

Central bank speech  | 
13 June 2019

Your Excellency; Distinguished Guests; fellow citizens:

It gives me great pleasure to participate in this auspicious national celebration. I am particularly grateful to Your Excellency for the honour you have bestowed on the Central Bank of Kenya, by graciously inviting me to say a few words at the end of this beautiful ceremony. It was also our singular honour, Your Excellency, when you visited the Central Bank last December and launched Kenya's New Generation coins which have wildlife images as the theme. It is therefore fitting that today we are in Narok County, home of the world-acclaimed Maasai Mara and the animals depicted on our coins.

After launching the new coins, the matter of the New Generation banknotes still remains, that is, the issuance of banknotes that are consistent with the 2010 Constitution.