Ipumbu Shiimi: Creating a sustainable and an inclusive financial sector for Namibians
Speech by Mr Ipumbu Shiimi, Governor of the Bank of Namibia, at the Letshego Bank Launch gala event, Windhoek, 25 July 2017.
The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.
The Chairperson of Letshego Bank Namibia, Mr Shepherd, and fellow Directors, The Chief Executive Officer, Madam Ester Kali, Management, Staff and Stakeholders of Letshego Bank Namibia, Captains of Industry, Invited guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
1. I am delighted and deeply honoured to join you at the Letshego Banking Launch Gala under the theme "Letshego: Celebrating growth, diversification and improving life".
2. This celebration comes at a time when, as a country, despite the challenges we face, Namibia continues to benefit from a stable, resilient and inclusive financial system as reported in the latest Financial Stability Report issued in April 2017.