Evolving international financial markets: some implications for Central Banks
BIS Working Papers
02 April 1999
Internationally integrated capital markets can have significant effects on the
way central bankers pursue both monetary (macroeconomic) and financial
stability. With respect to the former, countries are being pushed into corner
solutions of either "immutably" fixed exchange rates or floating. While the
proper choice depends on a country's circumstances, no regime is without its
own problems. In this paper, some of the practical implications of floating are
highlighted; in particular, how adoption of such a regime affects the
transmission mechanism of monetary policy and the problems posed by volatile
exchange rate expectations. As for the pursuit of financial stability, central
bankers and other regulators must increasingly recognise the international
dimension in their efforts to promote the health of financial institutions,
financial markets and the infrastructure (legal, payment systems, etc.) which
supports them. This international dimension affects the nature of the
prudential policies adopted as well as the processes through which they are
agreed. Finally, recognising that monetary stability and financial stability
are two sides of the same coin (witness Mexico in 1995 and South Asia more
recently), the paper concludes with some preliminary reflections on possible
interactions between monetary and prudential policies in an internationally
integrated world.