The euro and the dollar
BIS Working Papers
01 November 1997
How will the arrival of the euro affect the dollar? This paper uses portfolio
theory to analyse the likelihood and impact of shifts between the dollar and the
euro by private asset managers, official reserve managers and global liability
managers. It examines the effects on both the level of the dollar and its
volatility in three periods: the period before the euro's introduction; the
interval until the European Central Bank consolidates its credibility; and the
approach to the steady state. While the heavy weight of the Deutsche mark in
international holdings of European assets today may suggest a risk intolerance
that could lead to shifts into the dollar in the near future, that weight may
evidence nothing more than the mark's transactions role. After its introduction,
the euro may benefit from shifts by central banks into Treasury bills issued by
European governments. In the approach to the steady state, the greater depth,
breadth and liquidity of the euro financial markets will attract international
investment. But these features should be expected to attract increased
international borrowing as well, so there is little reason to expect the dollar
to fall against the euro as a result of a net portfolio shifts. There is some
reason to expect that in the long run the euro will impart greater volatility to
the dollar's exchange rate against all US trading partners.