Financial asset prices and monetary policy: theory and evidence
BIS Working Papers
02 September 1997
The work presented in this paper falls into two parts. First, using a simple
model and within the context of the central bank's objective of price stability,
it is shown that the optimal monetary response to unexpected changes in asset
prices depends on how these changes affect the central bank's inflation
forecast, which in turn depends on two factors: the role of the asset price in
the transmission mechanism and the typical information content of innovations in
the asset price. In this context, the advantages and disadvantages of setting
monetary policy in terms of a weighted average of a short-term interest rate and
an asset price such as the exchange rate - a Monetary Conditions Index (MCI) -
are discussed. The second, more empirical, part of the paper documents, using an
estimated policy reaction function, the short-term response to financial asset
prices, including the exchange rate, in two countries with inflation targets
(Australia and Canada) and suggests that the different response to exchange rate
changes in these countries can in part be explained by differences in their
underlying sources.