A multi-country comparison of the linkages between inflation and exchange rate competitiveness
BIS Working Papers
01 August 1997
This paper describes research comparing the response of inflation to changes in
exchange rate competitiveness in various regions of the world. The paper first
presents evidence that an empirical relationship between the rate of
inflation and the level of the real exchange rate, which was documented
for Mexico in previous research by the author, holds for a large set of other
countries as well. This result may pose a dilemma for policy-makers, since it
implies that it may not be possible to achieve low inflation and a high export
competitiveness simultaneously. The paper then demonstrates that the
responsiveness of inflation to the real exchange rate has been much higher in
Latin America than in Asian or industrialised countries. This difference in
inflationary responsiveness is not fully explained either by the prior history
of inflation or by the extent of openness to foreign trade. It is possible that
the lower responsiveness of inflation to the real exchange rate in Asia than in
Latin America is what has allowed the Asian countries to remain more
consistently focused on maintaining competitiveness and export growth.