Are speculative attacks triggered by sunspots? A new test
BIS Working Papers
02 December 2004
The empirical methodology of the paper establishes if a speculative attack,
which is accounted for via sunspots in the presence of multiple equilibria,
could have been in fact driven uniquely by economic fundamentals. The
methodology is based on the theoretical models of Bertola and Svensson (1993)
and Tarashev (2003). The first model captures robust stylised facts from target
zone regimes, whereas the second one implies that both unique and multiple
equilibria can account for violent speculative attacks. The characteristics of
the theoretical foundations and their implications for the employed statistical
test distinguish the paper from previous structural empirical analyses of market
bets against pegged currencies. The methodology is applied to the experience of
two ERM countries in the fall of 1992. The attack on the French Franc is found
to be triggered by sunspots, whereas it is impossible to determine whether a
similar scenario or the state of the economy alone underpins the currency crisis
in Italy.
JEL Classification Numbers: C22, D84, F31