The monetisation of Japan's government debt
BIS Working Papers
01 September 2004
Japan's government debt is extremely high, especially considering the fact that
the data exclude likely future liabilities stemming from an ageing population
and possible requirements of the financial system. Nevertheless, an offsetting
factor is the degree to which the Bank of Japan has already monetised the debt.
The monetary expansion up to the end of 2003 has increased the net worth of the
Bank of Japan, properly measured, to more than 17% of GDP, directly reducing the
debt position of the consolidated government and central bank - the most
relevant measure of the government's fiscal position. Furthermore, the
consolidated debt ratio could fall further depending both on the degree to which
the monetary expansion is reversed to prevent inflation from rising too much and
on the response of nominal interest rates to any temporary inflation that does
occur. Under reasonable scenarios, the consolidated government/central bank debt
position could be noticeably lower than indicated by commonly cited debt