Deposit Insurance and Bank Intermediation in the Long Run
BIS Working Papers
01 July 2004
This paper provides empirical evidence on the impact of deposit insurance on the
growth of bank intermediation in the long run. We use a unique dataset capturing
a variety of deposit insurance features across countries, such as coverage,
premium structure, etc. and synthesize available information by means of
principal component indices. This paper specifically addresses sample selection
and endogeneity concerns by estimating a generalized Tobit model both via
maximum likelihood and the Heckman 2-step method. The empirical construct is
guided by recent theories of banking regulation that employ an agency framework.
The basic moral hazard problem is the incentive for depository institutions to
engage in excessively high-risk activities, relative to socially optimal
outcomes, in order to increase the option value of their deposit insurance
guarantee. The overall empirical evidence is consistent with the likelihood that
generous government-funded deposit insurance might have a negative impact on the
long-run growth and stability of bank intermediation, except in countries where
the rule of law is well established and bank supervisors are granted sufficient
discretion and independence from legal reprisals. Insurance premium requirements
on member banks, even when risk-adjusted, are instead found to have little
effect in restraining banks' risk-taking behavior.
Keywords: Deposit Insurance, Moral Hazard, Bank Regulation and Supervision, Financial Development.
JEL codes: G2, O1, F3.