The determinants of private sector credit in industrialised countries: do property prices matter?
BIS Working Papers
04 December 2001
Episodes of boom and bust in credit markets have often coincided with cycles in
economic activity and property markets. The coincidence of these cycles has
already been widely documented in the literature, but few studies address the
issue in a formal way. In this study we analyse the determinants of credit to
the private non-bank sector in 16 industrialised countries since 1980 based on a
cointegrating VAR. Cointegration tests suggest that the long-run development of
credit cannot be explained by standard credit demand factors. But once real
property prices, measured as a weighted average of real residential and real
commercial property prices, are added to the system, we are able to identify
long-run relationships linking real credit positively to real GDP and real
property prices and negatively to the real interest rate. These long-run
relationships may be interpreted as long-run extended credit demand
relationships, but we may also capture effects on credit supply. Impulse
response analysis based on a standard Cholesky decomposition reveals that there
is significant two-way dynamic interaction between bank credit and property
prices. We also find that innovations to the short-term real interest rate have
a strong and significant negative effect on bank credit, GDP and property