The BIS consolidated international banking statistics
The BIS is releasing today its semiannual consolidated statistics on the maturity, sectoral and nationality distribution of international bank lending for end-1998, together with summary tables covering earlier reporting periods. The statistics are available on the BIS website ( and will be reproduced in the statistical annex of the June 1999 issue of the BIS Quarterly Review, to be released on 14 June 19991. The BIS international banking data are also included in the joint BIS-IMF-OECD-World Bank quarterly statistical release on external debt, which has recently been introduced in order to facilitate timely access to a single set of debt indicators drawn mostly from creditor and market sources2.
1For related conceptual and statistical issues, see International Banking and Financial Market Developments, August 1998.
2The statistics are available at:, and can also be accessed via each organisation's own website.