Review of the disclosure template regarding the authorities' foreign currency liquidity position

09 December 1998
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On 9th November 1998, the BIS released a report on "Enhancing transparency regarding the authorities' foreign currency liquidity position", prepared by a working group established by the Euro-currency Standing Committee. This report, which was endorsed by the G-10 Governors in October, proposed a template for the disclosure of this position. In the report's recommendations, it was acknowledged that "some specific presentational issues are still outstanding", in particular in two areas: "the best way of applying the proposed valuation principles to derivative instruments and the clarification of the relationship between the items singled out for disclosure and those currently identified in international balance-of-payments guidelines". It was agreed that technical experts would review these questions as soon as possible.

The BIS is today releasing a document entitled "Review of the disclosure template regarding the authorities foreign currency liquidity position", which presents the results of this review, summarises the main issues addressed and explains the rationale behind the agreed modifications of the template. A new version of the template is attached as an annex.