Structural changes in banking after the crisis

Report prepared by a Working Group established by the Committee on the Global Financial System. The Group was chaired by Claudia Buch (Deutsche Bundesbank) and B Gerard Dages (Federal Reserve Bank of New York).

CGFS Papers  |  No 60  | 
24 January 2018
PDF full text
 |  125 pages

The experience of the global financial crisis, the post-crisis market environment and changes to regulatory frameworks have had a marked impact on the banking sector globally. The CGFS Working Group examined trends in bank business models, performance and market structure over the past decade, and assessed their implications for the stability and efficiency of banking markets.

The report contains several key observations on structural changes in the banking sector after the crisis. First, while many large advanced economy banks have moved away from trading and cross-border activities, there does not appear to be clear evidence of a systemic retrenchment from core credit provision. Second, bank return on equity has declined across countries, and individual banks have experienced persistently weak earnings and poor investor sentiment, suggesting a need for further cost cutting and structural adjustments. Third, in line with the intended direction of the regulatory reforms, banks have significantly enhanced their balance sheet and funding resilience and curbed their involvement in certain complex activities.

The report also provides a comprehensive country-level dataset encompassing indicators of market structure, balance sheet composition, capitalisation and performance. The data, covering 21 countries over the 2000-2016 period, are provided in the annex tables of the report and in a data file for ease of use.

JEL classification:  G21, G24, G32, L25

Keywords: bank scale and scope, bank performance, banking stability, credit intermediation