Institutional investors, global savings and asset allocation

The following references were submitted in connection with the CGFS Working Group, which produced the report Institutional investors, global savings and asset allocation. However, the views expressed in these papers are those of the authors and do not represent those of their respective institutions.

Alexopoulou, I, F Drudi and J Scheithauer (2006): What accounts for the low level of interest rates?, European Central Bank (PDF, 41 pages, 504 kb)

Brierley, P, Gonzalez-Mota E, I Odonnat, M Persson and I van Herpt (2006): Implications of recent or prospective regulatory changes for financial market prices and market dynamics, Bank of England, Bank of Spain, Bank of France, Sveriges Riksbank and Netherlands Bank (PDF, 19 pages, 107 kb)

Broadbent, J, G Grande, C Thompson and F Zollino (2006): Main structural drivers of private savings: a review of the available evidence, Reserve Bank of Australia, Bank of Italy (PDF, 24 pages, 144 kb)

Broadbent, J, M Palumbo, J A Santaella and G Zanjani (2006): Institutional investors and asset allocations: accounting and regulation of private defined benefit pension plans and other institutional investors in the United States, Mexico and Australia, Reserve Bank of Australia, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Bank of Mexico and Federal Reserve Bank of New York (PDF, 61 pages, 208 kb)

Broadbent, J, M Palumbo and E Woodman (2006): The shift from defined benefit to defined contribution pension plans - implications for asset allocation and risk management, Reserve Bank of Australia, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Bank of Canada (PDF, 59 pages, 228 kb)

Chan, L, J A Santaella and J E Suh (2006): How does developing domestic financial markets affect asset allocation in emerging market economies, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Bank of Mexico and Bank of Korea (PDF, 40 pages, 273 kb)

Drudi, F, B Rzepkowski, I van Herpt and R Weber (2006): Changes in financial regulation and accounting standards in Europe, European Central Bank, European Central Bank, Netherlands Bank and Central Bank of Luxembourg (PDF, 18 pages, 109 kb)

Hui, C H, N Mori and M Persson (2006): Growing exposure of institutional investors to alternative investments, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Bank of Japan and Sveriges Riksbank (PDF, 20 pages, 180 kb)

Lescrauwaet P (2006): Links between institutional investors and banks, National Bank of Belgium (PDF, 19 pages, 109 kb)