IT innovations and financing patterns - implications for the financial system - Central bank papers submitted by Working Group members
Ayrer, B, C Upper and T Werner (2001): Stock market valuation of old and new economy firms, Deutsche Bundesbank paper. PDF, 11 pages, 52 kb
Antoniewicz, R L (2001): Financing of publicly-traded 'new economy' firms in the United States, Federal Reserve Board paper. PDF, 26 pages, 98 kb
Bakhshi, H and J Larsen (2001): Investment-specific technological progress in the United Kingdom, Bank of England working paper. PDF, 53 pages, 1001 kb
Berk, J M (2001): New economy, old central banks? Monetary transmission in a new economic environment, Netherlands Bank paper.
Boisvert, S and C Gaa (2001): Innovation and competition in Canadian equity markets, Bank of Canada paper. PDF, 16 pages, 99 kb
Bosomworth, A and S Grittini (2001): New economy, the equity premium and stock valuation, European Central Bank paper. PDF, 26 pages, 174 kb
Brandolini, A and P Cipollone (2001): Multifactor productivity and labour quality in Italy, 1983-1999, Banca d'Italia Temi di Discussione n 422. (on the Banca d'Italia website)
Brayton, F and D Reifschneider (2001): US macroeconomic performance since the mid-1990s, the FRB/US view, Federal Reserve Board paper.
Brierley, P G and A Kearns (2001): The financing patterns of new and old economy firms in the UK, Bank of England paper. PDF, 30 pages, 112 kb
Bugamelli, M and P Pagano (2001): Barriers to investment in ICT, Banca d'Italia Temi di Discussione n 420. (on the Banca d'Italia website)
Bugamelli, M, P Pagano, F Paternò, A F Pozzolo, S Rossi and F Schivardi (2001): Ingredients for the new economy: How much does finance matter?Banca d'Italia Temi di Discussione n 418. (on the Banca d'Italia website)
Casolaro, L and G Gobbi (2001): Information technology and productivity change in the banking industry, Bank of Italy paper.
Cayen, J-P (2001): Venture capital in Canada, Bank of Canada paper. PDF, 14 pages, 100 kb
Cette, G, J Mairesse and Y Kocoglu (2001): The contribution of information and communication technology to French economic growth, Bank of France and Université de la Méditerranée paper. PDF, 11 pages, 100 kb
Covitz, D and N Liang (2001): Recent developments in the private equity market and the role of preferred returns, Federal Reserve Board paper. PDF, 25 pages, 93 kb
Crawford A (2001): Productivity growth in Canada - stylised facts and research issues. Bank of Canada paper.
Davies, S M and D C Smith (2001): Trends in external corporate financing, Federal Reserve Board paper.
Duvivier, A (2001): Financing and risks of internet startups: A preliminary assessment, Bank of France paper. PDF, 4 pages, 38 kb
Fornari, F and M Pericoli (2001a): A macro-sector perspective of TMT and traditional stock prices, Bank of Italy paper.
Fornari, F and M Pericoli (2001b): Characteristics of stock prices in TMT and traditional sectors, Bank of Italy paper.
Frankel, A (2001): The new firm, BIS background note. PDF, 7 pages, 53 kb
Fujita, K and T Matsuno (2001): Financing the 'new economy' firms in today's Japan, Bank of Japan paper. PDF, 24 pages, 107 kb
Houben, A and J Kakes (2001): Fostering the 'new economy: The role of financial intermediation, De Nederlandsche Bank Meb series paper. (on De Nederlandsche Bank website)
Kahn, J, M M McConnell and G Perez-Quiros (2001): Inventories and the information revolution: implications for output volatility, Federal Reserve Bank of New York paper. (on the New York Fed website)
Lalonde, R and D Lecavalier (2001): The US miracle, Bank of Canada paper. PDF, 8 pages, 55 kb
Liang, N and S Weisbenner (2001): Who benefits from a bull market? An analysis of employee stock option grants and stock prices, Federal Reserve Board Finance and Economics Discussion Series. (on the Fed Board website)
Liu, Y (2000): An overview of angel investors in Canada, Bank of Canada paper. PDF, 10 pages, 50 kb
Lünnemann, P (2001): Stock market valuation of old and new economy firms, Bank of Luxembourg Cahier d'études No 2. (on the Bank of Luxembourg website)
Macklem, T and J Yetman (2001): Productivity growth and prices in Canada: What can we learn from the US experience? Bank of Canada paper.
Mehran, H and J Tracy (2001): The impact of employee stock options on the evolution of compensation in the 1990s, Federal Reserve Bank of New York paper. (on the New York Fed website)
Mouriaux, F and F Verhille (2000): The difficulty of pricing 'new economy' stocks, Bank of France paper. PDF, 17 pages, 166 kb
Osler, C L (2001): Corporate governance and the market for corporate control: Lessons from the US, Federal Reserve Bank of New York paper. (on the New York Fed website)
Oulton, N (2001): ICT and productivity growth in the UK, Bank of England paper. PDF, 92 pages, 362 kb
Planès, B M Bardos, P Sevestre and S Avouyi-Dovi (2001): Innovation, financing and financing constraints, Bank of France paper. PDF, 30 pages, 192 kb
Pozzolo, A F (2001): Secured Lending and Borrowers' Riskiness, Bank of Italy paper. PDF, 31 pages, 342 kb
Scheuer, M (2001): Measurement and statistical issues related to the 'new economy' with IT equipment and software in Germany and the United States as a case in point , Deutsche Bundesbank paper. PDF, 16 pages, 57 kb