About the FSI

The Financial Stability Institute (FSI) was jointly created in 1998 by the Bank for International Settlements and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Its mandate is to assist supervisors around the world in improving and strengthening their financial systems.


  • Promote sound supervisory standards and practices globally and support full implementation of these standards in all countries
  • Keep supervisors updated with the latest information on market products, practices and techniques
  • Provide a venue for policy discussion and sharing of supervisory practices and experiences
  • Promote cross-sectoral and cross-border supervisory contacts and cooperation

Key activities

The FSI delivers on its mandate by supporting the implementation of global regulatory standards and sound supervisory practices by central banks and financial sector regulatory and supervisory authorities worldwide. This work is mainly conducted through:

  • FSI – 2023 in review provides an overview of the FSI's most recent activities, covering publications, outreach events and FSI Connect, as well as special projects pursued in 2023.

What's new

FSI Advisory Board

The FSI Advisory Board provides strategic advice to the FSI to help it fulfil its mandate of promoting sound supervisory standards and practices while remaining responsive to the changing needs of financial sector authorities worldwide.

Contact the FSI

Financial Stability Institute
Bank for International Settlements
CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland

Tel: +41 61 280 9989
Email (for general inquiries): fsi@bis.org
Email (for inquiries related to FSI Connect): fsiconnect@bis.org