FSI programme and events

FSI 2017 programme

Every December, the FSI publishes a programme of its planned activities for the following year. In 2017, the FSI's activities continue to focus on disseminating the post-crisis financial reforms.

The FSI offers an extensive annual programme of events in Switzerland and around the world, with different audiences and areas of focus depending on the nature of the event.

  • High-level meetings provide a forum for heads of supervisory authorities to discuss recent developments in global prudential standards together with regional regulatory and supervisory priorities.
  • Policy implementation meetings present an opportunity for heads of department at supervisory authorities to explore the practical regulatory and supervisory issues connected with the implementation of global prudential standards.
  • Conferences provide a forum for financial sector supervisors to discuss topical cross-sectoral issues.
  • Global seminars in Switzerland give supervisors from around the world an opportunity to learn about, and exchange views on, leading technical topics related to financial sector regulation and supervision.
  • Regional seminars are organised jointly by the FSI and regional supervisory groups in various locations around the world and focus on technical topics chosen by the relevant regional group in consultation with the FSI.
  • Webinars provide up-to-date information on recent developments in financial sector regulation and supervision in a format that enables broad participation.

Further details regarding participation, registration and costs can be found on page 5 of the programme.

FSI pyramid