5th BIS Annual Conference: Financial Globalisation

Brunnen, 19-20 June 2006

The proceedings of this conference were published in December 2006.


Monday, 19 June 2006
09.00 Opening remarks: William White (BIS)
09.15 Morning Chair: Kazumasa Iwata (Bank of Japan)

Session 1: Democracy and globalisation (PDF, 46 pages, 189 kb)

Authors: Barry Eichengreen (University of California, Berkeley)
David Leblang (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Discussants: Marc Flandreau (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris)
Harold James (Princeton University)
11.15 Session 2: Globalisation and asset prices(PDF, 57 pages, 485 kb)
Authors: Geert Bekaert (Columbia University)
Discussants: Alan Bollard (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)

Sushil Wadhwani (Wadhwani Asset Management)
14.15 Afternoon Chair: Lorenzo Bini Smaghi (ECB)

Session 3: Sudden stop and recovery: lessons and policies(PDF, 41 pages, 418 kb)

Authors: Guillermo Calvo (Inter-American Development Bank)
Discussants: Randall Kroszner (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)

Takatoshi Ito (University of Tokyo)
16.15 Session 4: Panel on "Review of recent trends and issues in financial sector globalisation"

Background reports:

Lead-off presenter: Christine Cumming (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Other panellists: José Luis de Mora (Banco Santander Central Hispano)

David Llewellyn (Loughborough University)
Guillermo Ortiz (Banco de México)
Tuesday, 20 June 2006
09.00 Morning Chair: Donald Kohn (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)

Session 5: Financial globalisation, governance and the evolution of the home bias(PDF, 52 pages, 202 kb)

Authors: René Stulz (Ohio State University), Bong-Chan Kho (Seoul National University), Francis E Warnock (University of Virginia)
Discussants: Philip Lane (Institute for International Integration Studies)

José Viñals (Banco de España)
11.00 Session 6: Global "imbalances"(PDF, 58 pages, 962 kb)
Authors: Ricardo Caballero (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Emmanuel Farhi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (University of California, Berkeley)
Discussants: Jeffrey Frankel (Harvard University)

Michael Mussa (Institute for International Economics)
14.00 Afternoon Chair: Malcolm Knight (BIS)

Session 7: Policy panel

Panellists: Vittorio Corbo (Banco Central de Chile)

Raghuram Rajan (IMF)
Usha Thorat (Reserve Bank of India)
Zdenik Tuma (Czech National Bank)
15.30 Close of conference