Promoting global monetary and financial stability

Chapter 1 of the BIS's Annual Report 2021/22

Our mission, values and activities

Our mission is to support central banks' pursuit of monetary and financial stability through international cooperation, and to act as a bank for central banks.

In pursuing our mission, we strive to help our member central banks navigate their way through the challenges they currently face, as well as anticipate those they may face in the future.

Innovation BIS 2025

Embracing continuous innovation is the means by which the BIS continues to deliver added value. Our ambitious Innovation BIS 2025 strategy, which was launched in financial year 2019/20, is helping us to meet the needs of our central bank stakeholders in a period of rapid economic and technological change.

The Innovation BIS 2025 strategy sets out the Bank's medium-term set of initiatives to shape continuous innovation on the analytical and business fronts. In the past financial year, we marked the successful delivery of 60% of the strategy.

Highlights 2021/22

Overall, the financial year 2021/22 was a busy period with a number of considerable accomplishments and milestones achieved. This timeline highlights some of them.