The BIS consolidated banking statistics - first quarter 2003

25 July 2003

The BIS is today releasing consolidated banking statistics for end-March 2003. These statistics provide an insight into the nature and extent of banks' foreign exposures, as well as supplementary information about countries' external indebtedness.

The first section highlights significant trends and structural breaks. Trends in the first quarter of 2003 were that:

  • asset portfolios shifted away from the non-bank private sector;
  • the share of claims on emerging markets continued to contract.

Detailed explanatory notes are included which define the terms used to present the statistics. Statistical tables follow the explanatory notes.

Questions arising from these statistics can be directed to Patrick McGuire (telephone: +41 61 280 8921; e-mail: or Christian Dembiermont (telephone: +41 61 280 8408; e-mail:

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