BCBS Compendium of Documents - Volume II: Advanced supervisory methods


Volume Two - Advanced Supervisory Methods 

Chapter I : Management of derivative and off-balance-sheet risks

(The first four papers in this section were prepared in collaboration with the Technical Committee of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions.)

Risk management guidelines for derivatives (July 1994) (17 pages, 66197 bytes)
  A paper prepared principally for supervisory authorities which sets out a number of principles designed to promote the sound internal risk management of banks' derivatives activities.

Framework for supervisory information about derivatives and trading activities (September 1998) (48 pages, 197597 bytes)
  A paper that presents a framework that supervisors can use to enhance the information reported to them on exchange-traded and OTC derivatives activities.

Recommendations for public disclosure of the trading and derivatives activities of banks and securities firms (October 1999) (28 pages, 129506 bytes)
  Recommended best practices for the trading and derivatives-related disclosures in the annual reports of large banks and securities firms.

Trading and derivatives disclosures of banks and securities firms (December 1999) (34 pages, 167955 bytes)
  A survey of the disclosures made by internationally-active banks and securities firms in their 1998 annual accounts.

Risk management for electronic banking and electronic money activities (March 1998) (25 pages, 112045 bytes)
  A document that provides guidance for banks and bank supervisors in managing the risks arising from electronic banking.

Chapter II : Capital adequacy

Overview of the Amendment to the Capital Accord to incorporate market risks (January 1996, updated to April 1998) (10 pages, 45959 bytes)
  An explanatory note for two more detailed papers issued simultaneously describing amendments to the 1988 Basel Capital Accord.

Amendment to the Capital Accord to incorporate market risks (January 1996, updated to April 1998) (57 pages, 212581 bytes)
  The detailed methodology agreed by the Basel Committee to set capital requirements for market risks that were incorporated in the Basel Capital Accord from end-1997.

Supervisory framework for the use of "backtesting" in conjunction with the internal models approach to market risk capital requirements (January 1996) (16 pages, 69805 bytes)
  A technical note that presents a methodology for testing the accuracy of the models used by banks to measure their market risks.

An internal model-based approach to market risk capital requirements (April 1995) (18 pages, 77994 bytes)
  A description of value-at-risk models and the rationale for using their results as a basis for measuring banks' market risk capital requirements.

Interpretation of the Capital Accord for the multilateral netting of forward value foreign exchange transactions (April 1996) (10 pages, 44949 bytes)
  A description of the manner in which the Basel Committee plans to apply capital requirements to banks participating in multilateral netting arrangements for forward foreign exchange contracts.

[ Preface ]
[ Volume I: Basic supervisory methods ]
[ Volume II: Advanced supervisory methods ]
[ Volume III: International supervisory issues ]
[ Committee documents not included in this Compendium ]