Banking and risk management

Where perspectives meet

The BIS offers financial services to some 140 central banks and monetary authorities worldwide, many of which invest part of their foreign exchange reserves with us.

We're well placed to understand the risk and return objectives that central banks pursue, and to respond to the evolving needs of reserves managers. Our approach centres on the open exchange of expertise and ideas, and a long-term perspective.

The Bank's financial and operational risks are overseen by an independent, risk management function that is also responsible for ensuring an integrated approach to risk management.

Leading worldwide cooperation

At the BIS, we have an internationally collaborative approach. A good example of this is the opportunity our Banking team regularly has to design investment vehicles known as BIS Investment Pools (BISIPs) guided by an advisory committee of central banks. The most recent BISIPs allow participating central banks to invest in assets denominated in Chinese renminbi and Korean won.

Life at the BIS

The Banking Department operates out of two closely linked dealing rooms: one at our head office in Basel and the other at our representative office in Hong Kong SAR. Our risk management specialists are mostly based in Basel but some work in Hong Kong.

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