The Basel Committee's work programme

The Basel Committee maintains a two-year work programme that outlines the strategic priorities for its policy, supervision and implementation activities. The programme is endorsed by the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision and is developed under the direction of the Committee Chairman.

2019-20 work programme

About the Committee's work

Themes of the 2019-20 work programme

  • Finalise existing policy initiatives and initiate targeted policy development
  • Evaluate and monitor the impact of post-crisis reforms, and assess emerging risks
  • Promote strong supervision
  • Ensure full, timely and consistent implementation of the Committee's post-crisis reforms

Details of the 2019-20 work programme

About the Committee's work

The core of the work undertaken by the Basel Committee focuses on:

  • exchanging information on developments in the banking sector and financial markets to help identify current or emerging risks for the global financial system 
  • sharing supervisory issues, approaches and techniques to promote common understanding and improve cross-border cooperation 
  • establishing and promoting global standards for the regulation and supervision of banks, as well as guidelines and sound practices 
  • addressing regulatory and supervisory gaps that pose risks to financial stability 
  • monitoring the implementation of BCBS standards in member countries and beyond to encourage their timely, consistent and effective implementation 
  • consulting with central banks and bank supervisory authorities which are not members of the BCBS to benefit from their input into the BCBS policy formulation process and to promote the implementation of BCBS standards, guidelines and sound practices beyond BCBS member countries 
  • coordinating and cooperating with other financial sector standard setters and international bodies, particularly those involved in promoting financial stability